20 years in the games industry

It’s been 20 years since I started working in the games industry. And as someone said before me, it’s easy to look back and connect the dots that have brought me to where I am today, but my 12-year-old self, playing with an MSX and learning BASIC from the manual that came with the…

WWDC 2020, Day 5

One more day the number of sessions is overwhelming. There are so many that it’s hard to choose one. The sessions I have chosen to pay attention to on this third day of conference fall under the categories of Augment Reality, The game developer’s toolkit, Widgets or Swift Playgrounds…

WWDC 2020, Day 4

One more day the number of sessions is overwhelming. There are so many that it’s hard to choose one. The sessions I have chosen to pay attention to on this third day of conference fall under the categories of The game developer’s toolkit, Augment Reality, What’s new in Machine…

WWDC 2020, Day 3

One more day the number of sessions is overwhelming. There are so many that it’s hard to choose one. The sessions I have chosen to pay attention to on this third day of conference fall under the categories of Apple Silicon, The game developer’s toolkit, What’s new in Machine…